When two or more are gathered ~ Daring Justice: spiritual sustenance for the weary justice seeker in you

Dear Friends,

Last night at the Unleashing the Moral Imagination to Create a Flourishing World presentation with Afdhel Aziz, I learned the term “polycrisis” – defined as “a state where multiple crises intertwine, their causes and processes inextricably bound together to create compounded effects.” (Institute of Development Studies)

Photo: T Brotsky

It is a helpful way to describe the daunting challenges we face, at this time in human history. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we are called not just to name chaos and dysfunction, but to live into the kin-dom of God that Jesus proclaimed, and embodied. One way to do so, is to accept this invitation to this Lent/Easter practice with facilitator Jane Dawson - one of reflection, dialogue, and encouragement, unfolding in the company of others also seeking the shalom of God in their neighbourhoods, and the world.

~ reflection practices to unite social justice and sacred story

In Jane Dawson’s words: "If you are anything like me, you are probably feeling overwhelmed by the avalanche of mounting crises afflicting our world –war, the environment, homelessness and so much more. The church’s call to work for social justice feels more urgent than ever.

spiritual sustenance  ~

But sometimes the call to “do more” can lead to a sense of paralysis, not knowing how to make sense of things that don’t make sense or how to make a meaningful difference. During such times, we must look at the roots of our tradition for spiritual sustenance. It’s not a quick fix but a source of heart and strength for the continuing journey. “Daring Justice” is our next LeaderSHIFT offering -  a six-session course, online-only, spread over 12 weeks, held on Thursdays.

~ where two or more are gathered 

Beginning next Thursday, February 15, and meeting every second week for six sessions in total, Daring Justice's presentations, self-reflection, group dialogue, and contemplative practices will tune into the prophetic voice in our tradition and sacred story. These afternoon sessions will come to be a reprieve and a joy that enlivens and grounds in you again God's call to the work of justice-making.

For more information, and to register, click here: Daring Justice 6 Session Online Course with Jane Dawson — LeaderSHIFT UCCan


Supporting the (weary?) Justice heart, Talking about money with your church, Lenten book study, and more in The Latest newsletter


New year blessings to you, from me and all of us at LeaderSHIFT. And, hoping this Friday evening message finds you when you can take, or create, a cozy moment for the news within; consider the invitations before you and the collective delight of sacred-birth-story-sharing and all that new life offered!

Depending on the choices your community of faith has made, you may have either just celebrated the baptism of Jesus in worship, or are about to. The baptism of Jesus is one of my favourite stories of our faith. Jesus is claimed as God’s own, as God’s beloved, in whom Goddelights - and all before he has done one. single. thing.


Jesus is not beloved because of what he’s accomplished, what he’s taught, who he’s healed, or the stories he’s told. He just IS beloved, because he is a child of God. In Jan Richardson’s blessings, “Beginning with Beloved", she suggests, “Begin here: Beloved. Is there any other word needs saying, any other blessing could compare with this name, this knowing? Beloved."

 In Jesus, God comes to be with us, to be one of us. We too, are children of God, who are beloved just as we are, without having to earn, accomplish, deserve, or achieve one. single. thing.


Of course, beginning with beloved leads us to notice and affirm the beloved-ness of the rest of God’s people and the entire creation, too. Which compels us to stand in solidarity with those whose beloved-ness is denied, by the forces of racism and sexism, homo/bi/transphobia, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, unfettered capitalism, and the drive for power. As Howard Thurman wrote,

“When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flock, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among others, to make music in the heart.”


The opportunities that follow are an invitation to you, and to your community of faith, to begin with Beloved, to join together in the work of Christmas that has only begun.

Living Generously: A Stewardship Webinar Series
Beginning Jan 23, 2024, Four sessions in total, Online Via Zoom

Daring Justice: Uniting in Dialogue and Reflection Course
Beginning Feb 15, 2024, Six sessions in total, Online Via Zoom

Lenten Book Study: 'Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory"
Beginning Feb 20, 2024, Online Via Zoom

Anti-Racism Work & Action: First Third Ministry Leadership Conference
April 4-6, 2024, In-Person Only at Vancouver School of Theology

Introduction to the Theological Banquet: For Ministry Leaders
April 16, In-Person Only at Jubilee United (Sussex) Burnaby BC
Guatemala: a Tour for Ministry Leaders with Treena Duncan, World Pilgrim Global Education Tours
Tour Date: 2-12 August 2024
Info Sessions: Jan 30 or Feb 9, 2024, Online via Zoom 

So many opportunities to learn, grow and build life-giving community. Full details (date, time, investment, registration) are below. Please scroll down to take it all in. Won’t you join us?

info page coming soon!


Advent of Generosity! An invitation to Explore Stewardship Resources For In Advent and Christmas


Hello Friends,

The great poet, writer and artist Jan Richardson writes,

“We all carry a cave, a hidden place within us, into which God longs to be born.  Advent is a season to enter that place, to turn inward and encounter Love’s presence who seeks to emerge through us.”

One of the many gifts of Christian community is offering a place, and practices, to allow Love to emerge, to be embodied in the world, through us and our ordinary lives.

Advent and Christmas can be a time to invite generosity or deeper participation in those who are already part of our community of faith. And, it’s an opportunity to tell seekers and visitors about our ministry, and invite their support.  

You are invited to join Vicki Nelson, Community of Faith Stewardship Support, and me to explore ways community of faith leaders might engage such practices in their settings.

Advent of Generosity
Tuesday November 21, 2023
1pm Pacific / 2pm Mountain
Online Webinar, via Zoom

This (free) 60-minute session will share different ways to bring conversations of stewardship into Advent, Christmas Eve, and beyond. Full event details are on the LeaderSHIFT website here, or you can click right to the Advent of Generosity online registration form: forms.office.com/r/Q6syQnngNX

Hope you can join us!
Blessings on your Advent preparation,
