An Invitation for Spiritual Renewal and Travel with Intention


Dear Friends,

I don’t know about you – but I’m feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, isolated, paralyzed, and powerless a lot of the time these days. So much injustice and suffering in the world, and here in our own country and communities too.
And yet, those feelings are also a luxury, aren’t they? Because it’s only since I live in a position of great global privilege, that I can afford to feel this way, and yet continue functioning in my daily life. So I’m looking for ways to keep engaging with the pain of the world, so that I can be changed, and then be able to help make change in the world.
One way I’m doing that is joining the upcoming pilgrimage to Guatemala, myself, this August 2-12, 2024. Definitely NOT a tourist trip, this is an opportunity to develop relationships with colleagues and a new country, people and culture that will be both formative and transformative.

Rev. Nancy Nourse, Coordinating Minister of Northminster and St David’s United Churches in Calgary, has recently returned from a similar trip with World Pilgrim Guides, and I asked her what she thinks others would want to know about participating in one of World Pilgrim's offerings. You can read her words below.

Guatemala: a tour for ministry leaders
August 2-12, 2024

Who is it for?

Whether serving in full-, part-, or very-part-time ministry; whether in leadership with seniors, adults, or a children and family ministry focus; whether in a current call, ministry area, or retired -- all ministry personnel in Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain regions are encouraged to consider this travel experience.

Doesn't it cost a LOT? 

Looking for financial assistance? If you’re in PMRC, ask me about the Congregational Learning Fund for Leaders by return email. If you’re clergy, check out the HR MacMillan Fund at Vancouver School of Theology. If you’re in First Third Ministry, consider the Vision Fund Continuing Education Bursaries. More funding-sources are added to this tour's event page too.

How do I decide?

Intrigued, but want to know more? Join Executive Minister Treena Duncan, World Pilgrim Guides Doris Kizinna and Julio Cochoy, and me, for a Zoom info session on Friday, February 9 at 10 am (PT), 11 am (MT), here:

Blessings as you continue your important and lifegiving ministry – you are making a difference!

…Within moments of being greeted at the airport by Doris and Julio, we knew this was going to be a wonderfully curated journey for us.

Each day overflowed with experiences of mutual learning, and connecting with people, their stories, the communities they are part of, and the organizations that contribute to the wellbeing of so many individuals. Fully immersed in the Mayan culture and spirituality with the markets and artisan cooperatives, organizations that seek to overcome issues of injustice, poverty, and barriers to education, lush farmland, colourful buildings, and delicious food, we were welcomed by those for whom Doris and Julio already have a close relationship with – and for me that was such a strength; it was not a fly in – fly out opportunity but one that was strengthened by long existing partnerships and relationships between our hosts, and friends, colleagues, and congregations in Canada. And now we are blessed to be part of that beautiful weave.

Not only did I consider this a valuable opportunity for my congregations, but as a continuing education time for me. I wanted to learn more in general about the spirituality and history of Guatemala, and specifically about the journey of truth and reconciliation in Guatemala since the end of the civil war. I also hoped to redefine what is “enough”, and how communities support one another. We also fully learned what it means to “travel with a purpose” through the ways part of our tuition was used to bring needed items to schools, families, and a seniors’ centre.
I hope you will consider attending this time in Guatemala with friends and colleagues knowing that you won’t just be challenged and learn in this time, but it will be a wonderful time of self-care….comfortable accommodations and transportation, an abundance of delicious meals, hot springs and beautiful gardens, and plenty of time for rest and renewal.
- Rev. Nancy Nourse, Northminster and St David’s United Churches, Chinook Winds Regional Council

Yes, No, Maybe?! What a deep and rich Discernment Retreat Weekend in Calgary!

LeaderSHIFT and the Office of Vocation worked in partnership to provide a space for people to discern God’s call. Thanks to Vocational Ministers Brenda Fawkes and Kellie McComb, and LeaderShift's Michelle Slater, for facilitating this meaningful time together, and to the amazing 12 who showed up with open hearts, minds and spirits to listen for God's call!

Brenda, Michelle, Kellie ~ Facilitators

Some of the spiritual elders who have affirmed gifts within us... called into our presence as we gathered.