Yes, No, Maybe?! What a deep and rich Discernment Retreat Weekend in Calgary!

LeaderSHIFT and the Office of Vocation worked in partnership to provide a space for people to discern God’s call. Thanks to Vocational Ministers Brenda Fawkes and Kellie McComb, and LeaderShift's Michelle Slater, for facilitating this meaningful time together, and to the amazing 12 who showed up with open hearts, minds and spirits to listen for God's call!

Brenda, Michelle, Kellie ~ Facilitators

Some of the spiritual elders who have affirmed gifts within us... called into our presence as we gathered.

A Retreat for Those Yes! No! Maybe?! Calls


Are you feeling a nudge...a pull...a push...into leadership in the church?

Has someone in your circle encouraged you to consider ministry leadership?

What does "a minister" do, anyway, and how (and why!) would I become one?

All followers of Jesus are called to live lives of intention and faithfulness to the kin-dom of God. And, within that call, some are called to formal, paid accountable ministry leadership in the United Church. If you are pondering some of these questions, and have a yearning to love and serve the world God loves, come join us for a weekend retreat of spiritual practices of discernment and practical information.


Yes! No! Maybe?! Discerning A Call to Ministry Retreat 

November 17-19, 2023 at FCJ ~ An Oasis In The Heart of Calgary

Come and explore where and how God may be calling YOU, to offer your gifts to the world!

