A Retreat for Those Yes! No! Maybe?! Calls


Are you feeling a nudge...a pull...a push...into leadership in the church?

Has someone in your circle encouraged you to consider ministry leadership?

What does "a minister" do, anyway, and how (and why!) would I become one?

All followers of Jesus are called to live lives of intention and faithfulness to the kin-dom of God. And, within that call, some are called to formal, paid accountable ministry leadership in the United Church. If you are pondering some of these questions, and have a yearning to love and serve the world God loves, come join us for a weekend retreat of spiritual practices of discernment and practical information.


Yes! No! Maybe?! Discerning A Call to Ministry Retreat 

November 17-19, 2023 at FCJ ~ An Oasis In The Heart of Calgary

Come and explore where and how God may be calling YOU, to offer your gifts to the world!



Clear Space ~ for you, this January 2020

A few spots remain for you to join a group of clergy-colleagues, retreating and renewing after your intense and faithful work in the season of Advent and Christmas. Full details of the Clear Space retreat is here on our website, or jump straight to registration here. If you’ve never been to a retreat like this, and have questions about if it’s right for you, please contact Spiritual Care Network liaison, Rev Marc Coulobme or LeaderShift Director, Allison Rennie.

Clear Space Jan 2020 Retreat poster.png

Evolve 2019: Growing community and leadership "At the Well"

Celebrating the community of United Church leadership that gathered to share time, stories, faith and enter into mutual learning and discovery, taught too by the youth and young adults gathered at Evolve UCC 2019 💫 These photos are from Evolve closing worship with Wild Church BC and Contemplative Justice Network, Rev Murray Pruden, Rev Franklin James, the PMRC Youth and Youth Adult Ministry team and volunteers.