In the container of beloved community, Spring offerings from LeaderShift

January 29, 2021 


Our puppy, McKenzie, lives entirely in the present. I told her yesterday that she could have a play ‘later’. Have you done that before? This idea is a meaningless to her. Completely meaningless.

There is something remarkable about a full and hearty connection to the present, and only what is in this present moment. Not the quip ‘one-day-at-a-time', rather –   

     ‘Here I am Alive in this moment’  

     ‘Here We are Alive in this moment’  

     ‘Here is the Holy, alive in the sorrow, the yearning, the calm, the breath, the body, the surprise’. 

I have a colleague who, many years ago, told me he was giving up being stressed for Lent, and then forever. I suspect he cultivated the practice of being fully, whole-soul present to the present.  

In the end, as in the Beginning, the place that the Holy mystery meets us is in the present moment. This one right here.  

And the moment makes sense because we live in the middle of a story, and because we are ever discerning God’s nudges and urges, and because at best, we do it all in the container of beloved community.  

Please check out these Save the Date notes for two wonderful program offerings coming in the post-Easter season. 

Allison Rennie

Renewing Leadership
This multi-week program invites you to connect and reconnect with your core gifts and strengths, to reflect on God’s call as you experience it now and align once again with the essential character you bring to your ministry leadership. Over the 6-week course you will meet online in large and small groups, complete a 360 assessment (purposefully receiving feedback from a cross section of people who you respect and trust) culminating in a one-on-one coaching session. Upon finishing the Renewing Leadership process, you will have a personal plan for moving forward with what has emerged in the course. This course is facilitated by Allison Rennie, LeaderShift Director, and colleagues Deborah Rundlett and Okokon Udo. Renewing Leadership is for Ministry Personnel in the Pacific Mountain and Chinook Winds Regional Councils only. Space is limited to 18. The $1100 actual cost per person is subsidized by LeaderShift to make this opportunity available at $550 per participant. Registration will open February 7, 2021.

This Changes Everything: The Peacebuilding Power of Scripture Telling
Join Dr Tom Boomershine, acclaimed speaker, author and founder of the Biblical Storytelling Movement, and other workshop leaders from across Canada for theme presentations, worship & praise, workshops for newcomers, workshops for experienced tellers, and the Epic Telling of Mark (this is sooooooooo cool). LeaderShift is thrilled to be sponsoring this ecumenical event with The Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada.The cost is $50 per person (or $30 if you register before March 15). A group rate of $25/ person when coming with 5 or more is available across the registration window (no date restrictions). Registration for this joy-filled event opens February 7.