Deepening Pastoral Practice Amidst Continuing Pandemic Realities

Good Good day all, 

Whatever the content of your day, your work, your laundry pile, your to do list, your inbox 

Whatever the shape of your hope in this moment 

Whatever the outline of your soul in these days 


All the Light that ever was Light is with you now.  

And was with us then, and then,  

whether we knew it or not.   


In the coming months LeaderShift will be confirming and promoting opportunities for you to be renewed.   

Please watch for dates in late April for “Renewing Leadership” a multi session opportunity for connecting with call, character, gifts, and God’s imprint on your own good soul.  

Please watch for dates in the later fall for “Total Clergy Wellbeing” a multi day retreat, yes, in person. We deeply hope.  

And register now for “Deepening Pastoral Practice amidst ongoing Pandemic Realities” COHORT 1 (starting Feb 3) or COHORT 2 (starting April 14) in addition to the other learning opportunities of LeaderShift and the Pacific Mountain Region.  

The LeaderShift Team

Who Are We Now?


The intensity of the first weeks of COVID-19 life and work is giving way to a time of settling. Not settling in a comfortable way, not settling in a familiar pattern, but settling into accepting that for now, we will pray and sing and eat and gather together at a distance. The physical distance is obvious, but the emotional impact of that, and the spiritual questions this way of being stimulates is also very real.  

In the first weeks of the pandemic we cancelled many good in-person learning events and pivoted to offer online training in skills related to shifting some of our ministry online. Over the past 5 weeks we have hosted over 400 people in learning, many workshops in partnership with the PMR First Third Ministry Network. Thank you to all the workshop facilitators who patiently and promptly showed up to offer their gifts in equipping others!   

Now LeaderShift is shifting our online engagement to deep theological reflection and to re-tooling pastoral care skills for trauma-oriented response. What is being unveiled for us at this time? About the Holy, about being the church, and our own resilience and spiritual capacity?  We hope you’ll lean into these offerings this May and June.


Allison Rennie, Director

Faith Leadership for Such a Time as This with Rev Janet Gear and Rev Brian Thorpe

Faith Leadership for Such a Time as This with Rev Janet Gear and Rev Brian Thorpe

Transforming Pastoral Care Amidst COVID-19: deepening skills for trauma-oriented ministry practiceDr Julie Clayton and Michael Collins of Tipping Point Counselling

Transforming Pastoral Care Amidst COVID-19: deepening skills for trauma-oriented ministry practice

Dr Julie Clayton and Michael Collins of Tipping Point Counselling

Registration is open

Transforming Pastoral Care Amidst COVID-19: deepening skills for trauma-oriented ministry practice

Faith Leadership for Such a Time as This with Rev Janet Gear and Rev Brian Thorpe

New Topics: Equipping You in the Leadership You Intend

you are loved.jpg

On Easter Monday, only 4 days ago, we released the new line up of online engagement sessions available with LeaderShift. Some were not yet open for registration - but now they ALL are! The details of each opportunity are below, with links to the online registration forms in the text and topic images.

Space is limited, so find where you’d like to join soon. Our intention is to equip you for the practice of ministry you intend, to learn with colleagues about ministry practice, and to reflect theologically - in the ongoing COVID-19 physical distancing requirements. We know that these are skills, learning and reflection that will stay with you in your leadership beyond the challenges of these days.


The LeaderShift team


Registration is open now for the following online engagement sessions, in the following 3 categories:

1. Moving Ministry Online: You have an intention to move some parts of your ministry experience online?  


2. Q & A: You are offering online ministry already and have questions?  Join a Q & A.


3. Learning Circles: You want to learn with colleagues beyond the technical issues.