Now and Future Reflection: Our LeaderShift Survey

The sumac and the burning bush 

 are burning now,  

together with our lungs crisp from frost and freeze, 

and the Aurora of the midnight sky! doesn’t it also burn! 

and you - 

what part of you flares now before surrender 

to harvest and to winter and 

to hope 

poem and image copyright Allison Rennie

Dear Friends,

Along with the following invitations to join in learning, in retreat, in mutual exploration over the coming few months, LeaderShift is in a period of harvest and reflection. We are harvesting the learning, the stories, and the questions that arise now in the 20th month of pandemic shaped ministry and leadership.  

Please take some time to review the programs and conversations listed here and respond to our questionnaire. Your responses contribute to our capacity to stay aligned with emerging leadership needs, questions, gaps, and yearning. 

Thank you for presence in all the places you are called these Spirit-filled darkening days.   


